carki tsunetaka-home security veteran with 20 years continuous experience. He successfully exhausted the weaknesses of Katsuragi Shoko, a woman on whom the father of Tsuneaki married a second time, and her two children from a previous marriage - Sayaki, the older sister, and Yuki, the youngest sister.
in order to protect the Kareki family from the intrigue of Shoko and make the inhabitants of the house be afraid of him, he raped them all daily. Until the day when he forces his mother and daughters to move from the Kareki house, Tsunetaka was devoted to his “duties” of the home security officer. In the hallway, bathroom or dining room ...
in a school swimsuit, a pink costume of a nurse or a rabbit suit ...
in this house, when and where it wants, the tsunetake makes three bitch wear different costumes and repeatedly violates them. To instill even more fear in his victims, he does not weaken supervision, but instead doubles his efforts. Apparently, three women succumbed to his coercion and ongoing lust. Everything goes according to plan.
however, the guard of the house does not notice a suspicious change in the gaze of bitches on him.