Caries of the Tsunetaka, a home security veteran with 20 years See, currently protecting the estate of his father and three new inhabitants. These inhabitants are Katsuragi Shoko, a voluptuous widow, who again married to the father of Tsuneaki, and the children from her previous marriage - Sayak, an attractive large -breasted older sister, and Yuki, a well -developed younger sister with character.
his intuition, honed while working as an officer of the security service, makes Tsunetaka understand that Shoko plans to take on their household. He uses various observation devices to find out the weaknesses of three women and make notes with which you can blackmail them.
breasts, greatly bouncing at every step, a well -developed ass, similar to a perfectly ripened fruit, and indecent feelings for a little boy - she plays the role of a chaste wife, but the camera sees the true face of this bitch. Grabbing the weakness of Shoko, the tsunetak destroys her chastity. When he fills it with sperm, a sense of ecstasy reminds her of what it means to make love.
the next goal ... mother, katsuragi sho !!