Takafumi cooks breakfast.
His wife Makoto, who was busy with food, looked at her watch and hurried to work.
Recently, she was busy helping her senior colleague.
On the same day, after lunch, Takafumi was called to the office of the school principal.
Takafumi’s dream was to open his own store, and a few days ago, thanks to Anno"s mediation, he found a suitable room, and the director of the Shiraisha school even agreed to invest in it.
The Director of Takafumi reported that he should begin to prepare for the opening of the store from the end of this week.
And now the weekend morning came.
Makoto, who was worried that Takafumi would leave for two to three days, had to stay at school until late in the evening, helping Anno.
But Takafumi reassured her, saying: "With An-Sensi, everything will be in order ".
On the same evening, when Makoto continued to work in the teacher’s room, she received a message from Takafumi through Line.
- "Almost everything is finished here. I will be excellent from the meeting. I will return tomorrow, and I will return tomorrow, and I will return
Then I’ll tell you everything in detail. "
while Makoto answered the message, Anno appeared with a cup of coffee.
After drinking coffee that Anno handed over to her, after some time Makoto lost consciousness and fell to the floor.
Anno, with a lustful smile, looked at Makoto lying on the floor ...