The villainous organization "The Ark of Evil " appeared suddenly with the aim of getting "magical power ", which exists only in the bodies of young women and releases when they reach orgasm.
To achieve its goal, "The Ark of Evil " produces in the city of Biosoldat, who attack young girls, which causes panic in the city.
However, T -shirt of Sotome decided to confront "The Ark of Evil ".
With a magic staff in her hand, she turns into a wizard girl-a noble rose and calls the enemy to battle.
The Biosoldat manages to defeat a noble rose using its strength, and everything would be too simple if the enemy did not know about the weaknesses of the wizard girls.
Because the wizard girls find themselves in the west and are humiliated by enemy monsters, tentacles, as well as residents
The cities they defended.
Despite the defeat and rape, their story does not end, because the memories of rape again and again pop up in the memory.