In the firstpart of the secondOVA, we will seehowseveralgirls,members of the Student Council,take the maincharacter to thebackyard of the schoolandmockhimforopposing the Council,buthe is saved by a teacherpassing by by chance. The teachertellshimthatyou are learningfast,thatthestudentcouncilthinksthatshehassexwithteachers.Thiswasdoneinretaliationfor the cooperationandinforming of the punishingwaif.And the firstpart of the EGGended with themaincharacter having intimatesexwithher,first of all,becauseofthisshe was kicked out ofschool.Aftermeetingtheteacher,Karadukvaigaand the maincharacter are kidnapped by members of the schoolgang. It turns out that the leader of the group is veryinterestedinfinding out the trueintentions of the punisher,sinceboth of thesegirls have a commonenemy- the studentcouncil.Inresponse,Karattells the gangleaderthatshe is justtrying to convincehimthatshe"doesn'tlike it",andsheresponds by sayingthat she will challengethemto a duel.According to the establishedconditions of the competition, bothgirlstake an aphrodisiac,and the testbegins. The maincondition for victoryis that theymuststand up andnoneofthemshouldhavesexwith the maincharacter,butin the end the gang leader does nothold back andloses.With the wordsthatthey are notgoing to form an alliancewith the Soviets,but they will not jointhemeither,so they will justfold their handsandwatch how itallends.