In the first series of the shogo Kagaura, the bespectacled Otaku, they called to the pantry of the precortion, in which some Girls Gyaru gathered. One of them, Yua, being confident in herself, decided to play the game with this guy but lost, because she decided to deprive Shogo of virginity in her eyes, sitting on him, she defiantly showed him how his cock penetrates her body! But only after all this, the yu was so fascinated by a member of the shogo that constantly recalling the moment, she began to experience strong excitement in the pussy. And as soon as she once again encounters the shogo in the corridor, she drags him into the ladies" room to properly tear herself up, pulls off his trousers and suddenly begins to suck. Their bodies passionately need each other, and in the process of having sex, they decide to start meeting! After some time, already in a relationship, the girl came to visit the Shego, he proudly told her and boasted his collection of figures. Jealing him to the figure, Yua claims that she should be the only girl for him, after which he begins to please him