Hentai actions take place in a prestigious school for which the rating and reputation in the first place. To maintain the status, the talented students of Japan were invited there. That was our hero - Yoshiyuki Sakasita. Once he ended up in the wrong place and at the wrong time. It so happened that he ended up in the same store as a group of students who committed robbery. His teacher Hanamori Kotomi was also there and saw that the robbery was committed by one of the groups of students, or rather the president of the student council. But since this would have spoiled the prestige of the school, our Yoshiyuki made the culprit. After that, he lost his friends and the girl and was removed from classes. Kotomi saw all this and she was ashamed that she did not insist on her own and did not protect Yoshiyuki from punishment. Now she is guilty of the main character and is ready to fulfill absolutely any request. Our hero understands that this can be used and gathering a harem of teachers, it is enough to ask Hanamori-sensei about a small favor ...