The Amami family consists of Hasaku-kun, his older sister of Mao and the younger sister of Airi-chan.
Their parents became founders at the basis of the Academy for the education of love between students, but they died in an accident.
Their native aunt May seized power at the academy and forced Mao"s older sister to leave the founder"s post.
Her plan was to turn the academy into an elite educational institution such as a fur-con, where girls should learn love and ability to sell themselves to rich and wealthy men.
In short, something like an academy for perfect brides ...
unfortunately for Aunt May, all students of the academy should sign a charter, and since male students study here, this is not possible.
May forces her girls controlled by the guys and force them to leave the academy.
As a result, this company almost all the guys left the academy, only our main character Hassaku-kun remained.
Aunt May, as soon as she did not try to persuade the guy to break the contract so that he would leave the academy, but everything was in vain, because the guy turned out to be a very strong nut.
Sex and humiliation The only thing that remains in the reserve of the poor and exhausted aunt ...