Action The plot unfolds today in Tokyo. The main character is an ordinary city guy from a poor family. Because of his new father, he is forced to visit the prestigious academy next to his house. Due to the fact that the scions of rich and famous families study there, everyone looks at it as an empty place and often expresses contempt. However, among this madness there are light spots. One of them is Ayano-chan, a modest smart, pretty girl, an idol of the school, which immediately becomes his salvation in all this negativity. In it, he sees his only friend. However, soon a terrible incident occurs and the protagonist realizes that Ayano also always despised him and her good attitude was only in a cruel way to mock our hero. The hero loses all hope for the good in this world and in return for his despair receives the power of "manipulation of the body". He decides to teach his offenders, humiliating them in the most cruel ways for them - making them his sexy puppets.