The main character of Ryu, along with his younger sister, lives a seemingly ordinary life, goes to school, meets with friends, kicks Balda from time to time, and in general does everything that is usually normal teenagers at his age. But fate sometimes does not like the boring plots of someone’s life, and it so happened that they happened to find a certain elixir, but not simple, but the one that gives the girls a large breast that had drunk him, but the guys, so to speak, the power of the earth in the roots. And everything would be good, only in this world nothing is just given, for everything there is its own price, just here, in return, the elixir receives a bonus and an irresistible desire to make love, which will pass only when the girl gets pregnant. Well, of course, Ryu, like a gentleman, will not give the ladies the abyss, and will attach all their strength to cure the sister of Miy and all the others who had the imprudence to taste this insidious drink.